Workspace variables
  • 23 Aug 2023
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Workspace variables

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Article Summary

Use workspace variables to store information for use across your workspace, such as important emails, IP addresses, or JSON settings. 

The size limit of the variables is 4MB.

Create a new workspace variable

  1. Go to the Workspace Variables tab on the left side navigation bar. 
  2. Click on Create Variable.
  3. Give the variable a unique and meaningful name. 
    1. The name can contain spaces, numbers, hyphens, and letters, but no special characters. 
    2. The name cannot be changed after creation, so be sure it is relevant and appropriate. 
  4. Choose the variable type. You can use either: 
    1. Text
    2. JSON (including object, array, and any valid JSON format) 
    3. Boolean
    4. Number
  5. Enter the variable value in the provided box.
  6. Click Save.
    workspace variables create

Edit an existing workspace variable

  1. Go to the Workspace Variables tab on the left side navigation bar. 
  2. Find and select the variable you would like to edit. 
  3. Change the value - you can change the type and content. 
  4. Ensure the change is what you really want - the variable's history will not be saved. 
  5. Click Save.

workspace variables edit

Delete a workspace variable

  1. Go to the Workspace Variables tab on the side navigation bar. 
  2. Locate and click on the variable you would like to delete. 
  3. Click the deletion button (trash can icon) next to the Save button. 
  4. Confirm you want to delete the variable by clicking Delete in the popup. Note that this cannot be undone, so be sure you are deleting the right variable. 

workspace variables delete

Use workspace variables in your workflow

  1. Use workspace variables in your workflows as you would use any integration, secret, or metadata event. 
  2. Click on the parameter you would like to populate with a variable. 
  3. Scroll down and click on Workspace Variables. 
  4. Select the appropriate workspace variable. 
  5. Alternatively, you can type the variable name like so: {{ $.workspace_variables.VARIABLE_NAME }}.workspace variables use

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