Synchronize cases with external tickets
  • 31 Jul 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Synchronize cases with external tickets

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Article Summary

Security events may have implications across various teams within the organization. These teams may be using different ticketing systems, such as JIRA, ServiceNow, Asana, and others. To streamline tracking and management, you can implement flows for automatic synchronization between the Torq case and the external system's ticket.

For example, when handling a Data Security case involving an exposed S3 bucket, you can create a Jira ticket for the DevOps team and programmatically keep the two cases synchronized.

This article presents a high-level overview of achieving such synchronization. The flows will vary according to the external system you're synchronizing with.

How to implement

  1. Create the external ticket automatically. Use the available public steps or create custom steps to create a ticket in the external system as part of workflow logic. This can be a workflow that's manually triggered in the context of the case or a workflow that's automatically triggered during the case lifecycle. For example, the workflow below can be manually triggered in the case context to create a JIRA ticket for a different team with the relevant case information.
    The example below involves a JIRA ticket, but you can easily replace the Jira Cloud step according to the ticketing system utilized by your organization.
    Create an external ticket and keep its ID as a custom field value
  2. Keep the external ticket ID in the context of the case. For example, create a custom field named "External ticket ID" for the case and provide the ticket ID as the field value (see the workflow above). This way, anyone reviewing the case can quickly and easily understand an external ticket is associated with it.
    The external ticket ID is saved as the value of a custom field
  3. Update the external ticket when the case changes. Use the many case lifecycle trigger events to update the external ticket when necessary. For example, when the case is resolved, you can update the external ticket with this information.
  4. Update the case when the external ticket changes. Use a trigger integration of the external system or a generic webhook to receive events from the external system when the external ticket is updated. The many available cases steps can be used to automatically update the case if needed.

The following example illustrates the synchronization of a case and a Jira ticket by ensuring that all comments are reflected in both.
Sync a case to a Jira ticket

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