  • 13 Nov 2023
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Article Summary

Use a runbook to provide predefined instructions to serve as a guiding framework for the case investigation. You can create as many runbooks as you need to have the company protocols and best practices for several scenarios available in the workspace. A single runbook can be associated with each case to have it available within the case context.

A runbook is available in the context of the caseCreate a runbook

  1. To create a runbook, use the Create a runbook step.
    1. Provide a meaningful title for the runbook.

      The runbook name (title) must be unique.

    2. Provide the runbook content in HTML or markdown formats or free text. You can provide the content from the workflow context. This can be useful if you want to make content from other systems (Confluence, Notion, and more) available within the context of a case. For example, you can use the available Confluence steps to retrieve a Confluence page and include its content in the case Runbook tab.
  2. To associate the runbook with a case, use the Associate a runbook to a case step. Alternatively, you can open the case Runbook tab, select Associate Runbook, and select a runbook from the list.
  3. The runbook will be available in the case Runbook tab.


  • Automatically retrieve the page you want to use as a runbook from external services, such as Confluence, Notion, and more, using the available public steps. If a runbook with that title already exists in the workspace, update the runbook content. Otherwise, create a runbook and provide the title and content from the workflow context.
    Create a runbook with content from the workflow context
  • Associate a runbook with a case to have it available in the case context. The workflow below is triggered every time a new case is created and associates a runbook with the case according to the case category.
    Associate the runbook with a case

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