Check for missing parameters before publishing
  • 24 Apr 2023
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Check for missing parameters before publishing

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Article Summary

When creating a workflow, filling out all necessary fields before publishing is essential. Missing parameters can cause errors and prevent the workflow from running correctly. Follow the steps below to ensure all fields are filled before publishing your workflow.

If required fields are empty, publishing the workflow will still be possible. However, a warning will be shown before publishing.


Bulk review steps

A warning icon will appear on the top bar with a number indicating how many of the workflow's steps have missing parameters. 

  1. Click on the warning icon on the top bar.
  2. Click on the first listed step. 
  3.  The step will open on the designer. Whichever required fields are empty will be highlighted, indicating that they must be filled in order for the workflow to run. 
  4.  Once you have filled in the missing fields, go back to the Incomplete steps list on the top bar and click the next step. 
  5. Repeat the process until the list is empty. 

filling empty fields gif(1)

Individually review steps

Any steps requiring review will have a warning icon beside them. 

  1.  Scroll through your workflow. When you see a step with a warning icon, open the step. 
  2.  Whichever required fields are empty will be highlighted, indicating that they must be filled in order for the workflow to run. 
  3.  Once you have filled in the missing parameters, close the step and continue scrolling until you see another warning icon. 
  4.  Repeat the process until all icons are gone, and the top bar does not display a warning icon and number. 

empty fields speedrun

Mass apply missing integrations

You can mass-apply integrations to any steps using a specific vendor that do not have an integration selected. This allows for easy integration selection and a quicker adaption process to any templates or imported workflows you may be utilizing. 

  1.  Open one of the steps with a missing integration parameter. 
  2.  Select the vendor's integration that you would like to use. 
  3.  Click the Apply to... button. 
  4.  Ensure that all the vendor's steps you want to apply this integration to are checked and uncheck any you do not want to use this integration for. 
  5.  Click Apply


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