Cases page
  • 15 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Cases page

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Article summary

Go to the Cases page to view the most up-to-date status of the active and recently resolved cases.

You can seamlessly switch between the grid and the list views.

Easily find the cases you're interested in by using:

On the Cases page, you have the option to manually perform actions for individual cases or select multiple cases for bulk actions, such as:

  • Link
  • Assign
  • Change severity
  • Change state

Filter and sort cases

Select to show or hide the filters and the sorting options by using the icon at the top right corner of the portal.

  • Filter the cases by:
    • Severity
    • Tags
    • Assignee
    • Resolution SLA: this is the default SLA timer, from case creation to resolution or closure. The filter values are the percentage of the time already used.
    • Creation time.
    • Category: case categories to show. Custom categories are also available.
    • State
    • Tasks: view only cases that have pending tasks.
    • Custom fields.
    • SLA filters: use these to filter cases by custom SLA timers.
Filter and sorting settings can be saved as presets (see below) to customize the Cases page view.
  • To sort the cases, select a sorting criteria and verify the sorting order (ascending or descending). For example, you can select the Created at sorting criteria and ascending sort order to show older cases at the top. The default sort is by severity from highest to lowest (descending).


Presets are preconfigured Cases page views that include saved filter and sorting settings for convenient and quick access. Use one of the premade presets or create your own.

The All Cases preset is applied by default, displaying all the workspace cases.

Cases tags

Use tags to easily group and classify cases, improve search and filtering capabilities, and promote efficient collaboration among team members.

Add and remove tags

When adding a tag, you can select from the tags already used within the workspace (dropdown list) or type in a new one.

Add and remove tags automatically by using the available steps:

  • Add tags to an existing case
  • Remove tags from an existing case

Add tags automatically by using the Add tags to an existing case step

You can also add and remove tags from the case itself on the Cases page:

Filter by tags

Use the Tags filter and select one or more tags to filter by:

Customize the list view

You can customize the list view to present the data according to your preference:

  • Use the Group by dropdown to select the cases grouping criteria. For example, you can group the cases by category. You can also select None as the grouping criteria to present a complete list of all cases.
  • Click the customization icon on the right to select which case fields will be shown in the case listing. For example, you can hide the case tags or show any custom fields the case may have.

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