Content digest 3.1.23
  • 30 Jan 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Content digest 3.1.23

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Article Summary

We’ve added the following new integrations, steps, improvements, and templates.

New integrations

  • CheckPhish
  • Mimecast

New steps

  • CrowdStrike
  • Custom Slack
  • GitHub
  • JumpCloud
  • Microsoft Excel
  • String Utils
  • TOR
  • WhoisXMLAPI


  • Torq
  • Date and Time Utils
  • Get step output as a file
  • Splunk

New templates

New integrations

Added the following integrations.


A new CheckPhish steps integration is now available on the Integrations page.

You can use the integration to scan URLs.


A new Mimecast steps integration is now available on the Integrations page.

You can use the integration to retrieve and search messages and logs.

New steps

Added the following new steps.


The CrowdStrike steps were updated to use V2 of the CrowdStrike API. In addition, a new step is now available as part of the integration:

  • List User UUIDs: Returns a filtered list of user UUIDs. The full list of user UUIDs will be returned if no filters are used.

A new optional parameter to specify a Falcon Query Language (FQL) filter was added to the List Actors, List Device IDs, List Report IDs, and List Reports steps.

Custom Slack

4 new Custom Slack steps are now available.

Step nameDescription
Bookmark linkMarks a link in the given channel.
Add reactionAdds a reaction to the specified message in the given channel.
Pin item to channelPins the given message to the given channel.
Get conversation historyReturns a list of messages and events from the given conversation.


6 new steps are now available as part of the GitHub integration.

Use the new steps to manage collaborators and repositories:

Step nameDescription
List organization repositoriesReturns a list of repositories for the given organization.
List repositoriesQueries GitHub for the list of repositories owned by the given user.
List repository collaboratorsReturns a list of collaborators for the given repository.
List organization membersReturns a list of members of the given organization.
Add repository collaboratorAdds the given user (by username) as a collaborator of the given repository.
Remove repository collaboratorRemoves the given user (by username) as a collaborator from the given repository.


A new step is now available as part of the JumpCloud integration:

  • List Systems Associated with User: Returns the list of systems associated with the given user.

Microsoft Excel

2 new steps are now available as part of the Microsoft Excel integration:

Step nameDescription
Get cell rangeReturns the contents of the given cell range
Get worksheet used cell rangeReturns the range of cells in use (not empty) in the given worksheet.

String Utils

A new utility step is now available:

  • Defang or refang entity: Defangs or refangs the given IP, URL, or email address.


The new Get TOR Exit Node List step is now available.


A new step is now available as part of the WhoisXMLAPI integration:

  • Perform Subdomains Lookup: Perform a subdomains lookup for the given domain name.


We made the following improvements.


The global variable steps were updated to execute faster and work with array variables.

The previous version of the global variable steps is available under the vendor Torq (Deprecated).

Date and Time Utils

The Convert Date step has a new optional parameter: TIME_ZONE. Use the new parameter to get the specified timestamp at a different timezone.

Get step output as a file

The option to return the response as a file was added to the Execution Options of 3 additional steps: BigID Query Data Catalog, Microsoft Outlook Get Attachment Information, and Get Attachment Raw Value. More information about working with files is available in our documentation.


The Create New Search Job step has a new optional parameter: OMIT_SEARCH___QUERY_PREFIX. Use the new parameter to omit the search prefix from the search query.

Orca steps integration

The Orca steps integration was updated to support the latest version of the Orca API.

Snowflake steps integration

Snowflake steps were updated to support V2 of the Snowflake API.

New templates

Added the following template to the template library.

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